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[Invitacion/Presentacion] Poemas de Amor y Guerra en Inglés /Invitation to Poems of Love and War book

por Lxs Niñxs Salvajes :: 19.04.12

“Invitación a un Gesto de Amor y Rabia en solidaridad internacional con lxs presxs del mundo.” En INGLES

Para leer en Español, ver aquí.

Invitation to Poems of Love and War book

“El regreso momentaneo de La Editorial Lxs Niñxs Salvajes se situa temporalmente en las algidas luchas vividas a lo largo del año que pasó
(2011) en todo el mundo. Casualidades no existen. Se viven movimientos de lucha, entre metodologias reformistas, y radicales revolucionarixs.

La memoria nos llama, nos incita a contribuir desde nuestras capacidades al choque con esta realidad. Nos habla cada noche entre las caminatas nocturnas, o los pedaleos diarios. Nos pide que no se nos olviden esas caras tras los paños, esas ideas tras el fuego, ese amor tras la destrucción.

No sería digno si dejasemos a todxs esxs seres en el lodo del olvido. A quienes entregan su vida y su muerte a cambio de todo. No es razón para olvidar que no les conocimos, que no los hemos acariciado.
No hay motivo para quien desea hacer del hermoso acto de la subversión, olvidar esos nombres sin al menos haber sufrido un pequeño infarto al enterarte de su desgracia, o descubrir la historia de esxs que hace años ya partieron peleando cara a cara con la vida, sin temor a la muerte.

Acá estamos, y les dejamos la invitación para que participen en la creación del Libro “Poemas de Amor y Guerra”, sentimientos de amor y odio.”

An Invitation to a Gesture of Love and Rage, in international solidarity with the prisoners of the world.

Long nights of encounters under one roof or another, cursing, reflecting, and attacking the capitalist machinery from our daily to do, we face a concrete de facto actuality in our contribution through the propaganda, the rearticulation of what we sometimes call Publishing.

Due to the fact that we live in the revolutionary struggle of subjects positioned irreconcilably on one side of the barricades or the other, we face a difficult task that the comrades all over the world have known to maintain throughout history: solidarity between those who despise the logics of power.

This led us consciously or unconsciously to find each other again as a diffuse cell in constant transformation which strikes as best we know, a cell of the active propagation of the anti-authoritarian idea, seeking to maintain and intensify the tension and contradiction that the dominant system presents to us day after day.

We are Lxs Niñxs Salvajes [The Wild Children], the same ones who came together for that rush of contributing to reflection through our publishing, and we had to scatter ourselves across the world, in order to return with a little bitterness to continue with this project that we had abandoned to take on new adventures with the idea of permanent agitation until everything explodes. Nothing has changed during this time. We continue, and will continue, in war.

Resting on these premises and keeping ourselves under a historical view of anarchist propaganda, we realize that texts in solidarity with the persecuted and their reciprocal response have been a constant throughout history, as we can appreciate in Simón Radowitzky’s text after his incarceration for assassinating the chief of police of Buenos Aires (Argentina) Ramón Falcón, who on May 1st, 1909 had a dozen workers killed in Plaza Lorea; from Ushuaia, Simón wrote the comrades, “prisoner 155 is sick and weak, the anarchist Simón Radowitzky stays always firm, always strong”; on seeing this the comrades from outside the bars responded on a global level with an international campaign seeking the liberation of the young anarchist, a campaign that lasted for 20 years.

Outbreaks of solidarity on his behalf began to germinate everywhere; Miguel Arcángel Roscigna, secretary of the Buenos Aires pro-prisoners and deportees committee, was an anarchist who, without knowing Simon, began to arrange for his escape in 1924 by employing himself as a jailer; many have claimed he said that the plan was a failure because it was reported to the authorities by the communists, in any case we know that the liberation of the comrade was not secured, but that the house of the prison warden was burned as a solidarity gesture of permanent escape for the imprisoned comrades.

These solidarity gestures are well known by the comrades of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, who in their escape attempt on December 12th, 2011 declared: “Some people will rush to talk about failure. However, our escape succeeded. We escaped from the defeatist acceptance of our role as prisoners. We escaped from the sleep up by psychiatric drugs that are generously distributed in prisons, from the benefits of day wages, from the illusions of future leaves and paroles, and we acted as anarchist revolutionaries.”

Continuing with a small historical brush over the solidarity between anarchists, we come to Roscigna, and to Gino Gatti who in 1929 financed the plan for the liberation of the brothers Vicente and Antonio Moretti and of three Catalan anarchists accused of being responsible for bomb attacks in Barcelona. In March of 1931, the plan for the escape from the Punta Carretas prison was realized by means of a tunnel dug by the anarchist comrades from a coal yard located in front of the prison. Years later, in 1971, 106 militants of the Tumpamaros National Liberation Movement and 6 common prisoners managed to escape from the same torture center, the Punta Carretas prison; they found in the middle of the tunnel the words that today motivate us to write to you: “solidarity between
anarchists is not a mere matter of words.”

In the present context of the revolutionary struggle and of solidarity between comrades, we find numerous gestures of love and freedom, even in the captivity of our wild brothers and sisters who act in solidarity across the world: “On December 2nd, 2011 the comrades of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire and Theofilos Mavropoulos put out a letter in solidarity with Rami Sirianos, whose trial began the following Monday, December 5th, 2011 […] Solidarity between us is not simply another obligation or some easy words written only for their own sake. It is the essence of our values and our revolutionary ethic. It is our own perception of camaraderie.”

These words make clear to us the importance of solidarity between warriors outside as much as within the prisons therefore “When the bars of the prison block our hands from throwing the fire of anarchy against the world of Power, then our words become the sharp rasp of our escape.” (CCF / Theofilos Mavropoulos, 15 Nov ‘11) “Our words that escape from the prison, try to break the paper wall of the texts in order to become actions. It is a form of communication with our brothers and sisters, not only in Greece but also at the international level” (CCF / Theofilos Mavropoulos, 7 Nov ‘11) “We believe that the question of international anarchist solidarity and of the liberation of comrades is one of the most fixed values and strategic priorities for the anarchists of action. Therefore we, the first-phase CCF / FAI call on all the individuals of the FAI/FRI to not let our brothers and sisters in Indonesia and Chile be alone. There are words that so beautifully accompany fire and gunpowder, sending a salute and signal of solidarity to the imprisoned comrades.” (CCF 7 Nov ‘11)

Therefore, to not forget is a practice of honoring our values, which have nothing to do with dominion’s values, and of reaffirming in each practice of memory that no revolutionary fallen in combat, incarcerated, or fugitive is alone in this war. Because every morning on awakening we will awaken our joyful smiles to continue the thousands of battles that we see ourselves obliged to attend. Agitating until everything falls.

We also retrieve the words of our brother Cristóbal Franke-Mono who, in one of his communiques, proposed that “from $hile to Greece, we cannot forget any comrade in prison, we must let them know that they are not alone, the same must happen with those who go without leaving traces being more astute than their hunters” (Cristóbal Franke-Mono 31 Dec ‘11) “solidarity is a tool of struggle for expressing in different ways support and respect between the oppressed who resist and/or confront the managers of misery. For me it is a relation between known and unknown individuals who do not see themselves as superior or inferior but as equivalent, where also often gestures are sent and received anonymously with the sole intention of being present and making tangible the fact that no one is alone.” (Cristóbal Franke-Mono 31 Dec ‘11)

In the face of these historical and present deeds, we propose providing a potent gesture of love and rebellion to the incarcerated comrades. Prison has taken many comrades across this world, others have died in combat, others have been wounded after their actions, and we do not want their names to be lost among the forgotten, and the repentant. We want to give a wink full of insurgent love to every revolutionary, and for this we have an invitation for all those irreconcilable enemies of authority.

Some time ago, we edited a Zine called Poems of Love and War; Feelings of Love and Hatred, in which some poems appeared written with different reasons against capital and in memory of some warriors fallen in combat.
In this new issue of Poems of Love and War we have thought to embrace our brothers and sisters by means of this gesture and that “our words become the sharp rasp” for the escape of those who today are prisoners, therefore, the special motivation of this edition has to do with a call for international solidarity with the prisoners, our idea is to share this invitation with the brothers and sisters in Greece, with the cubs in Mexico, with the uncontrollables of Bolivia, without forgetting our comrades in Argentina, and to those places that this invitation can keep expanding. The idea is to realize a poem to each prisoner, from whatever part of the world, with whom each one feels greatest affinity according to their ideas/practices (praxis) or a poem for each one fallen in combat, with which to steal them a smile in the place where they find themselves and give them a breath of escape, or as the case may be, to appeal to memory as a weapon remembering our fallen warriors.

This idea has the aim of promoting the destruction of the isolation by means of frequent letters with the prisoners. And carrying our weapon, memory, with the necessary wisdom. As Gabi already said it (Gabriela Curilem, outwitting the State’s hunters, currently on the run), “Memory as a weapon is applicable not only to people, but also to collective processes that created a contribution in offensive positions. Memory as a weapon is to deny the resignation that has us robbed of spaces and comrades while we observe as spectators.” Beneath these words we want to make with all of you a collective process of history and memory in solidarity with the prisoners.

Our dream is that the poems overflow our mail box, one after another, and in that case to edit a book, but also we know that some comrades do not have the time to respond or contribute in this initiative; we hope for a call of freedom from all of you soon to turn our dreams into reality.

We will give an estimated period of two to three months for the reception of the poems which we suggest be one or two pages per poem (we will not censor any comrade who extends beyond this suggestion, that does not fit our principles) in order to include them in an official medium-size book.

Along with the poem, we hope to receive some kind of drawing to go with it, prioritizing proper drawings, or good quality images, to make reading more pleasant.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that we do not want to leave anyone out, if anyone was not named here it is a matter of space and time, but we do not forget the iconoclasts in Italy, the rebels in England, the US, in Peru and in all parts of the world; we hope that this wild howl manages to penetrate these cement cells and caress your ears complicit in this initiative.

We will return to scatter with the wind that caresses us sweetly. We would travel through the world if it was necessary to recollect all the expressions of revolutionary solidarity. We have returned to destroy forgetting, to fan the flames that will bring death to this civilization.
We have returned, and we have stayed long enough, to again disappear among the leaves, together with our own. We have returned to prepare its grave.

Farewell with great strength, more than ever, and hoping that these words echo in your ears and in your body. That the hair raises on your skin when you write to a prisoner, in the same way that it does when we address ourselves to you, with the same destructive dignity.

May the nothing drive us to create where we will destroy every form of domination.

We are the Wild Children.

Never repentant
Never defeated

Wild Regards,
Wild Children :: Versin para imprimir